Trang chủ Lớp 10 SBT Tiếng Anh 10 - Friends Global (Chân trời sáng tạo) 2D – Unit 2. Adventure – SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global:...

2D - Unit 2. Adventure - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global: You didn’t answer when I phoned you this morning. What did you do / were you doing?...

Vận dụng kiến thức giải Bài 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 2D - Unit 2. Adventure - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global Array. Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences. 2. Complete the sentences. You didn’t answer when I phoned you this morning. What did you do / were you doing?

Bài 1

1. Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences.

(Chọn thì đúng để hoàn thành câu.)

1. Jake looked at the weather outside: it was grey, but it didn’t rain / wasn’t raining.

2. You didn’t answer when I phoned you this morning. What did you do / were you doing?

3. Lucy witched off her computer, put on / was putting on her coat and left / was leaving the office.

4. She closed the window because some children made / were making a lot of noise outside.

5. When I told my friends about the robbery, they didn’t believe / weren’t believing me.

6 She didn’t hear the doorbell because she had / was having a shower.

Method - Phương pháp giải/Hướng dẫn/Gợi ý

Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ tiếp diễn
S + V2/ed S + was/ were + V-ing
S + didn’t + Vo S + was/ were + NOT + V-ing
(Wh-) + did + S + Vo? (Wh-) + was/ were + S + V-ing?

- rain: mưa

- do: làm

- put on: mặc

- leave: rời

- make: gây ra

- believe: tin tưởng

- have: có/ ăn/ uống

Answer - Lời giải/Đáp án

1. wasn’t raining 2. were you doing 3. put on, left 4. were making 5. didn’t believe 6. was having

1. Jake looked at the weather outside: it was grey, but itwasn’t raining.

(Jake nhìn thời tiết bên ngoài: trời xám xịt, nhưng trời đang không mưa.)

2. You didn’t answer when I phoned you this morning. What were you doing?

(Bạn không trả lời khi tôi gọi điện cho bạn sáng nay. Bạn đã làm gì vậy?)

3. Lucy witched off her computer, put on her coat and left the office.

(Lucy tắt máy tính, mặc áo khoác và rời văn phòng.)

4. She closed the window because some children were making a lot of noise outside.

(Cô đóng cửa sổ vì một số trẻ em đang làm ồn ào bên ngoài.)

5. When I told my friends about the robbery, they didn’t believe me.

(Khi tôi nói với bạn bè về vụ cướp, họ không tin tôi.)

6. She didn’t hear the doorbell because shewas having a shower.

(Cô ấy không nghe thấy chuông cửa vì cô ấy đang tắm.)

Bài 2

2. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of one verb and the past continuous form of the other.

(Hoàn thành các câu. Sử dụng dạng quá khứ đơn của một động từ và dạng quá khứ tiếp diễn của động từ kia.)

1. I _____________ (see) Henry as I _____________ (cycle) to the sports centre.

2. While we _____________ (prepare) the picnic, it _____________ (start) to rain.

3. All my friends _____________ (leave) the party when I _____________ (arrive).

4. As we _____________ (walk) by the river, we_____________ (hear) a shout.

5. We _____________ (not eat) very much while we _____________ (stay) in that hotel.

6. I _____________ (drink) my dad’s coffee while he _____________ (not look).

Method - Phương pháp giải/Hướng dẫn/Gợi ý

Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ tiếp diễn
S + V2/ed S + was/ were + V-ing
S + didn’t + Vo S + was/ were + NOT + V-ing
(Wh-) + did + S + Vo? (Wh-) + was/ were + S + V-ing?

Answer - Lời giải/Đáp án

1. saw – was cycling 2. were preparing – started 3. were leaving – arrived 4. were walking – heard 5. didn’t eat – were staying 6. drank – wasn’t looking

1. I saw (see) Henry as I was cycling (cycle) to the sports centre.

(Tôi nhìn thấy Henry khi tôi đang đạp xe đến trung tâm thể thao.)

2. While we were preparing (prepare) the picnic, it started (start) to rain.

(Trong khi chúng tôi chuẩn bị đi dã ngoại, trời bắt đầu mưa.)

3. All my friends were leaving (leave) the party when I arrived (arrive).

(Tất cả bạn bè của tôi đã đang rời khỏi bữa tiệc khi tôi đến.)

4. As we were walking (walk) by the river, we heard (hear) a shout.

(Khi chúng tôi đang đi bộ bên sông, chúng tôi nghe thấy một tiếng hét.)

5. We didn’t eat(not eat) very much while we were staying (stay) in that hotel.

(Chúng tôi đã không ăn nhiều khi ở trong khách sạn đó.)

6. I drank (drink) my dad’s coffee while he wasn’t looking (not look).

(Tôi đã uống cà phê của bố tôi trong khi ông ấy không nhìn.)

Bài 3

3. Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành văn bản với dạng quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn của các động từ trong ngoặc.)

In January 2014, a doctor from New Zealand (1) had (have) a frightening experience with a shark – but his calm reaction (2)_____________ (make) him the star of news reports around the world.

James Grant (3)_____________ (fish) with friends one Saturday when a shark attacked him. He (4)_____________ (not see) anything, but he (5)_____________ (feel) a sudden pain in his leg. At first, he thought that his friends (6)_____________ (play) a prank on him. He (7)_____________ (turn) around – but nobody (8)_____________ (be) behind him. Then he (9)_____________ (realise) what (10)_____________ (happen).

Luckily, James (11)_____________ (carry) a knife so he (12)_____________ (use) it to fight off the shark. Then he (13)_____________ (get) out of the water and (14)_____________ (look) at his leg. The bites were 5 cm long and they (15)_____________ (bleed) a lot. James (16)_____________ (clean) his leg. Then he and his friends (17)_____________ (go) to a nearby café! While they (18)_____________ (enjoy) a drink, somebody (19)_____________ (give) James a bandage because his leg (20)_____________ (bleed). He (21)_____________ (go) to hospital for some treatment, but on Monday he was back at work.

Method - Phương pháp giải/Hướng dẫn/Gợi ý

Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ tiếp diễn
S + V2/ed S + was/ were + V-ing
S + didn’t + Vo S + was/ were + NOT + V-ing
(Wh-) + did + S + Vo? (Wh-) + was/ were + S + V-ing?

Answer - Lời giải/Đáp án

In January 2014, a doctor from New Zealand (1) had (have) a frightening experience with a shark – but his calm reaction (2) made(make) him the star of news reports around the world.

James Grant (3) was fishing (fish) with friends one Saturday when a shark attacked him. He (4) didn’t see (not see) anything, but he (5) felt(feel) a sudden pain in his leg. At first, he thought that his friends (6) were playing (play) a prank on him. He (7) turned (turn) around – but nobody (8) was (be) behind him. Then he (9) realised (realise) what (10) was happening (happen).

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Luckily, James (11) was carrying (carry) a knife so he (12) used (use) it to fight off the shark. Then he (13) got (get) out of the water and (14) looked (look) at his leg. The bites were 5 cm long and they (15) were bleeding (bleed) a lot. James (16) cleaned (clean) his leg. Then he and his friends (17) went (go) to a nearby café! While they (18) were enjoying (enjoy) a drink, somebody (19) gave (give) James a bandage because his leg (20) was bleeding (bleed). He (21) went (go) to hospital for some treatment, but on Monday he was back at work.

Tạm dịch:

Vào tháng 1 năm 2014, một bác sĩ đến từ New Zealand đã có một trải nghiệm đáng sợ với một con cá mập - nhưng phản ứng bình tĩnh của anh ta đã khiến anh ta trở thành ngôi sao của các bản tin trên khắp thế giới.

James Grant đang câu cá với bạn bè vào một ngày thứ Bảy thì một con cá mập tấn công anh. Anh ấy không nhìn thấy gì, nhưng anh ấy cảm thấy đau đột ngột ở chân. Ban đầu, anh nghĩ rằng bạn bè đang chơi khăm mình. Anh ta quay lại - nhưng không ai ở phía sau anh ta. Sau đó anh ta nhận ra điều gì đang xảy ra.

May mắn thay, James mang theo một con dao nên anh đã dùng nó để chống lại con cá mập. Sau đó, anh ta ra khỏi nước và nhìn vào chân của mình. Vết cắn dài 5 cm và chảy rất nhiều máu. James làm sạch chân của mình. Sau đó, anh ấy và bạn bè của mình đến một quán cà phê gần đó! Trong khi họ đang thưởng thức đồ uống, ai đó đã đưa cho James băng cá nhân vì chân anh đang chảy máu. Anh ấy đã đến bệnh viện để điều trị, nhưng hôm thứ Hai anh ấy đã trở lại làm việc.

Bài 4

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai để nó có nghĩa tương tự như câu đầu tiên.)

1. I hurt my finger while I was playing the guitar.

I was playing the guitar when I hurt my finger.

2. I was walking home when it started to rain.

While I ______________________________

3. She broke her leg while she was learning to ski.

She was learning ________________________

4. He was making lunch when he suddenly felt ill.

As he _________________________________

5. She was telling me about her party when she started to laugh loudly.

She started _________________________________

6. I lost my wallet while I was shopping.

While I _________________________________

7. As the band were playing their first song, all the lights went out.

The band were playing _________________________________

Method - Phương pháp giải/Hướng dẫn/Gợi ý

- Dùng câu có mệnh đề chỉ thời gian While / When / As để mô tả 2 hành động trong quá khứ.

- Hành động đang xảy ra chia quá khứ tiếp diễn, nếu không thì dùng quá khứ đơn.

Answer - Lời giải/Đáp án

1. I hurt my finger while I was playing the guitar.

I was playing the guitar when I hurt my finger.

(Tôi đang chơi guitar thì bị đau ngón tay.)

2. I was walking home when it started to rain.

While I was walking home, it started to snow.

(Trong khi tôi đang đi bộ về nhà, trời bắt đầu đổ tuyết.)

3. She broke her leg while she was learning to ski.

She was learning to ski when she broke her leg.

(Cô ấy đang học trượt tuyết thì bị gãy chân.)

4. He was making lunch when he suddenly felt ill.

As he was making lunch, he suddenly felt ill.

(Khi đang làm bữa trưa, anh ấy đột nhiên cảm thấy ốm.)

5. She was telling me about her party when she started to laugh loudly.

She started to laugh when she was telling me about her party.

(Cô ấy đang kể cho tôi nghe về bữa tiệc của cô ấy thì cô ấy bắt đầu cười lớn.)

6. I lost my wallet while I was shopping.

While I was shopping, I lost my wallet.

(Trong khi tôi đang mua sắm, tôi bị mất ví.)

7. As the band were playing their first song, all the lights went out.

The band were playing their first song when all the lights went out.

(Ban nhạc đang chơi bài hát đầu tiên của họ khi tất cả đèn tắt.)

Bài 5

5. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the past simple or past continuous.

(Hoàn thành các câu với ý tưởng của riêng bạn. Sử dụng quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn.)

1. As I was getting off the bus, _________________________________

2. We were trying to find our hotel when _________________________________

3. An amazing thing happened as _________________________________

Method - Phương pháp giải/Hướng dẫn/Gợi ý

- Dùng câu có mệnh đề chỉ thời gian While / When / As để mô tả 2 hành động trong quá khứ.

- Hành động đang xảy ra chia quá khứ tiếp diễn, nếu không thì dùng quá khứ đơn.

Answer - Lời giải/Đáp án

1. As I was getting off the bus, I realized that I forgot my wallet on the seat.

(Khi tôi đang xuống xe buýt, tôi nhận ra rằng tôi để quên ví trên ghế.)

2. We were trying to find our hotel when it started to rain heavily.

(Chúng tôi đang cố gắng tìm khách sạn của mình thì trời bắt đầu mưa to.)

3. An amazing thing happened as I was going to school yesterday.

(Một điều đáng kinh ngạc đã xảy ra khi tôi đi học ngày hôm qua.)

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