Trang chủ Lớp 2 Family & Friends Special Grade 2 Lesson Four: Phonics Unit 4 – Family & Friends Special Edittion Grade...

Lesson Four: Phonics Unit 4 – Family & Friends Special Edittion Grade 2 (lớp 2)...

Lesson Four: Phonics Unit 4 – Family & Friends Special Edittion Grade 2. She can eat the orange.. Bài: Unit 4: He’s hero!

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1. Listen, point, and repeat.

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mom: mẹ

nurse: y tá

orange: cam

pen: bút

2. Listen and chant

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This is my mom, m, m, mom. This is my nurse, n, n, nurse.

This is my orange, o, o, orange. This is my pen, p, p, pen.


Đây là mẹ tôi “m, m, mom”. Đây là cô y tá của tôi “n,n, nurse”

Đây là cam của tôi, “o, o, orange”. Đây là bút của tôi “p, p, pen”

3. Listen to the sounds and connect the letters.

Click here to listen


m, mom

n, nurse

o, orange

m, mom

p, pen

p, pen

o, orange

4. Read and circle the sounds m, n, o, p at the start of the words.

My mom is a nurse.

She has an orange and a pen.

She can eat the orange.

She can write with the pen.

My mom is a nurse.

She has an orange and a pen.

She can eat the orange.

She can write with the pen.