Trang chủ Lớp 2 Family & Friends Special Grade 2 Lesson Six Unit 7 – Family & Friends Special Edittion Grade 2...

Lesson Six Unit 7 – Family & Friends Special Edittion Grade 2 (lớp 2): (Chèn Track 85)...

Lesson Six Unit 7 – Family & Friends Special Edittion Grade 2. Bài: Unit 7: Are these his pants?

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1. Listen and number.

(Chèn Track 85)



1. This blue dress is nice. Try it on!

2. But I like this red dress, Mom!

3. What about’s pink pants? These’re nice!

4. But look at these red pants. My favorite color is red.

5. A. Ok, well, this’s shoes red.

B. Yes, I like them, too!

2 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 4 


2. Look at the pictures again. Point, ask, and answer.

+ What color are these pants? => They’re pink.

+ What color is this dress? => It’s red.

+ What color are these shoes? => They’re red.

+ What color is this dress? => It’s blue.

+ What color is these pants? => They’re red.