Trang chủ Lớp 6 Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success (Kết nối tri thức) Trả lời câu hỏi trang 54 Tiếng Anh 6 – Skills 1...

Trả lời câu hỏi trang 54 Tiếng Anh 6 - Skills 1 Unit 5: Natural wonders of Viet Nam...

Hướng dẫn giải bài tập trang 54 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 6 sách Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống: Unit 5 Natural Wonders Of Viet Nam (Global success) - Skills 1

1. Before you read, look at the pictures below. Make predictions about the reading. then read and check your ideas.

1. What is the reading about?

2. What do you know about these palces?

* Trả lời:

1. The reading about Ha Long Bay and Mui Ne - the natural wonders of Vietnam

2. - Ha Long Bay: is in Quang Ninh, it has many islands and caves. Tuan chau is a tourist attraction

- Mui Ne is in Binh Thuan. It há different colours: white, yellow, red.. It’s like desert here

2. Complete the sentences, using the words from the box.

desert      wonder

visit          islands       remember

1. Ha Long Bay is famous for its beautiful .........

2. Ha Long Bay is the number one natural ........ Viet Nam.

3. A..............  is a large area of land with very little water

4. .............. to bring an umbrella, as it often rains there

5. A lot of people.................. Ly Son Island in the summer.

* Trả lời:

1. islands      2. wonder      3. dessert          4. Remember     5. visit  

3. Read the text again. Answer the following questions.

1. Where is Ha Long Bay?

2. What can you do at Ha Long Bay?

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3. Is there a desert in Mui Ne?

4. Where can you have a picnic in Mui Ne?

5. What is the best time to visit the Mui Ne Sand Dunes?

* Trả lời:

1. It is in Quang Ninh

2. You can enjoy great seafood, join in exciting activities

3. Yes, it is

4. the beach

5. In early morning or late afternoon

4. Work in pairs. Make notes about one of the places in the reading. You can add your own ideas.

Then tell your partner about the place.

* Trả lời:

Ha Long Bay
- beautiful beaches

- has many islands and caves

- great seafood

5. Some foreigns visitor are visiting your city/ town/ area. You are their tour guide. Tell them what they must anf mustn’t do

* Trả lời:

- You must wear sun scream when you’re in Sam Son beach

- You must go to the Sam Son beach in early morning or in late afternoon

- You mustn’t litter on the beach

-  You mustn’t swim alone